On Mon, 02 Apr 2001 23:07:40 GMT, Anders Steinlein
>1. How do I easily fade an audio clip?
This is rather basic...
Video tracks V2 and higher and all audio tracks can
be "opened" using the triangular "thingies" at the left
end of the tracks. Once opened, "the rubber-bands" can
be adjusted overall with the "shift" key and left mouse
button, or clicking on the rubber-bands places a node
for turning. Click and drag on these to graphically
adjust volume levels for audio, or transparency for video.
>2. Is there a way to display the video programs running time within the
>video? This would be most helpful to me, as I have to show a rough cut to
>someone before making the final titles, etc. They could then tell me at
>what time they want the titles, etc...
No easy way directly, but you can copy the rough edit
back to Mini-DV, then copy it to VHS for the client with
the time-code of the Mini-DV showing - you can then relate
that back to the timeline time-code for editing changes.
>3. How does the transitions really work in single-track editing mode? I
>like to trim my clips to the length I want first, for then later to add
Don't use single-track editing mode... It is VERY easy
to see/control everything on the timeline when you can
see what you are doing.
>When I then want a 1 second long cross dissolve, for
>instance, how should I trim the two clips involved while maintaining the
>"important" footage?
On the timeline you can cut/spool-out/in clips to your
heart's content, seeing the image in the (full-size
single-view...) preview window. Controling the overlaps
is easy, and using the "alt"-key scrub allows you to see
the particulars of a transition in slo-mo...
>When editing PAL footage, which clip should I trim
>12 frames, and which should I trim 13 frames, when I want a 1-second
I think that is a very indirect and imprecise way of
working... Computer NLE systems permit EXACT placement
of all events (to the frame...) - why throw away that advantage...?