On Sat, 22 Aug 1998 21:33:30 +0100, "Mark Crean" wrote:

>I wonder if anyone could help.
>I want to buy a lens or two for my trusty Nikon FE2. My existing ones are
>old E series ones, and a bit battered now.
>I was thinking of looking (not all at once) for a 24 or 28, a 35, and an 85
>or 105. I expect that Nikon must have made more than one version of each of
>these. Which if any ones are the 'peaches' that I ought to look out for when
>I tour a few dealers in second-hand stock? If anything happened to my FE2 I
>would replace it with an FM2, so I'm not looking for autofocus jobbies.

Well, heck, jes' aim yer browzr at th' URL bee-lo, an' luk
unnr "I babble" fer th' Nikkor ee-val-yoo-ay-shun list.....;-)