On Sat, 18 Aug 2001 15:46:57 -0700, Josh wrote:

>I like cute small stuff. TRV30 or PC110 has good video
>quality but I feel they are still big (Okay, I have small
>hands). Any digital camcorders are even smaller and with a
>not too bad video quality?

Wow, the TRV30 and PC110 BIG???! ;-)
Whew! The days of "full-size" VHS lug-corders
are so few behind us....! ;-)
OK, look at the PC9 - it is SMALL(!!!), as in
REALLY TINY, but with a very good picture. I
like using these small cameras for unobtrusive
"pole" cameras at events (I stick them on clamps
or on mic and light stands close-in), or for
carrying around when I have no "serious" video
intent in mind...;-)