
>>>Per John Shaw's advice I tested my camera's meter with the sunny sixteen
>>>rule...go out on a bright day and meter the grass and be sure at asa 100
>>>your meter gives f16 at shutter speed as close to 100 as you can set it.
>>>It probably won't. Adjust the asa setting til it does. Almost all my
>>>meters (Nikon) were noticeably off. The best was an old selenium on my
>>>Contarex! Progress?

>>Uh....., grass is about one stop darker than middle grey, I think....
>>If you use it for reference, you should have about 1/2 the ASA number
>>as the shutter speed when the aperture is f16 (sun high and behind you,
>>with clear sky).
>>Hope This Helps

>Well can you suggest a dependable source? Duh, I do have a grey card.
>That should work! Thanks. Nowell
>Chapel Hill, NC

With a clear sky and sun behind you, grass reads about one stop darker
than the (middle) grey card, and white skintone about one stop lighter.
Also, in the NE US, the "sunny 16 rule" often becomes the "sunny 11 1/2 rule", since the sky is rarely truly clear here........
Hope This Helps
David Ruether