On 20 Sep 2002 06:59:29 -0700, lbsusanto@yahoo.com (Benny Susanto) wrote:
>Hi everyone,
>I am thinking of buying a two-element close up lens.
>My camera is minolta with 67mm diameter cosina lens (28-210mm). Does
>this mean that I have to buy a close up lens with 67mm diameter too,
>because I saw that Minolta, Nikon or Canon do not have one as big as
>mine ? I'd like to have a go around these three if I can. Will it be a
>problem if I use a 67 to smaller diameter adapter ring ?
A 62mm achromat with 67->62mm step-down ring should
be OK in the tele range - and this would give the
highest magnification for macro, anyway...