On Mon, 12 Mar 2001 15:24:46 +0800, "David Winter"
>Also - there is a choice in the Timeline settings window to switch OFF the
>audio waveform. This speeds up display as you scroll along the Timeline, and
>also reduces the frequency of "Invalid Page Faults". There is a known memory
>leak in Premiere associated with the waveform display, and I have reproduced
>the crash in a beta of P6. Don't know about production.
Lucky, I guess, or due to Bob's research on compatible
parts for our video-editing computers (or both, but
repeatedly - we have built several of these...), but
we have not seen much of the instability reported by
some with P-5. With Win98 (1st edition), my system is
stable for about 5-10 changes, then it will crash if
I do not save (saving every four changes or so reliably
prevents crashes). With Win2k, it does not crash...
(Raptor, Celleron 300A OC'd to 450 and P-III 800,
256/384megs PC100/133, Abit/Asus MBs, Win98/SE/2K,
multiple-HDs [IBM/Maxtor 5400/7200rpm], ATI/Matrox
video - Premiere set up for single, full-res. view,
and laid out on dual monitors). BTW, I use the
"Navigator" for moving along the timeline (audio
tracks open and showing wave-form - and "filmstrip"
video view) - this is more efficient than trying to
scroll the timeline itself (though even that works
well if you start the scroll, stop, then proceed
[it speeds up considerably on the second try...]).
Another BTW: we assign to the same specific separate
drive all three choices in the "scratch-disk" selector.
Yet another BTW: we tried the Matrox G400 dual-head
video card again, but with newest drivers - it now
works very well...