On 5 Dec 1998 21:52:18 GMT, LKirchner@t-online.de (Lutz Kirchner) wrote:

>To compare print and slide film we can print them both. IMO the print
>film should be slightly better.

I've seen good 11x14's from Royal Gold 100 35mm, and good 11x14's
from Elite II 100 slides (printed on Ilfochrome, using an Apo-Rodagon
50mm - amazing results!). From looking at slides and color negatives
directly with a 10X magnifier, I'm of the opinion that slide film
tends to be sharper in the slower speed films than color negative
film, but I have done no side-by-side comparisons...

>Here another question: We discuss about film sharpness and lens
>sharpness. Let's take the best lenses and the best films. Which of them
>sets the limit for sharpness?

Neither - the resultant resolution will always be lower than either,
and improving either will improve the resultant resolution...