
thanks for the swift reply - it's much appreciated.

i tried the 222 trick and it works prefectly. thanks
so much for that.

Glad it worked!

> BTW, you can also make title panels in other
> programs
> and import the images (for these, I prefer 1440x960
> if there are no graphics that will be made "wrong"
> when converted to 43 - otherwise use 1280x960
> [for NTSC]). If they must roll, you can proportion
> the panel appropriately and use "image pan" on the
> tall image...

i had thought about this. which application would you

Any good drawing/photo-editor program should work. BTW,
after sending that, it occurred to me that a series of
43-proportion panels, moved with the motion-tool (or a
transition, if the background remains black) would be
easier to use...