On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 06:10:43 GMT, Alasdair Manson wrote:

>if i create titles in Premiere - in this case white text on a black
>background (which will be matted out) - when the titles actually roll,
>there are splodges of yellow and cyan color in the white text. it
>looks appalling.
>the curious thing is that yellow and cyan are the colors i've used in
>other titles elsewhere in the project - it's as if there are yellow
>and cyan bits floating around the system, so to (crudely) speak.
>if i use black text on a white background (which will be matted out)
>there is none of this 'color interference'
>how can i get the pristine white text i'm looking for?

I've never seen this...
Best: use "222, 222, 222" for white, not "255".
Make sure there are either no text shadows, or that
their color is black. Make sure the text size is as
large as possible, and that the font doesn't have
thin sections in the letters. With rolling text,
select "flicker removal". Otherwise, dunno...
BTW, you can also make title panels in other programs
and import the images (for these, I prefer 1440x960
if there are no graphics that will be made "wrong"
when converted to 4:3 - otherwise use 1280x960
[for NTSC]). If they must roll, you can proportion
the panel appropriately and use "image pan" on the
tall image...