Joe Berenbaum wrote in message <>...

>David- I like reading your contributions but now that they have a long
>line length they all go way off the right side of my monitor and it is
>no longer possible for me to read them without constantly scrolling to
>the left and right to read each line. Most posts are limited to a
>shorter line length such that they will display on a standard monitor,
>and those I can read without problems. Any chance of you changing your
>line length?

Yes - though your reader can probably be set to wrap
at a given character line-length, the tag ends are
annoying to all, including me (the writer of the
lengthy lines). New software was the problem,
and considerable frustration trying to set it
up (I am NOT into software...! ;-) for short line
length at wrap (it all looked fine before posting,
terrible afterward!). I have given up, and again
try to manually set up short enough lines to avoid
the awkward wrap. Thanks for the comments.
Hope This Helps
David Ruether -