In article <49m06b$>, says... (..)
>I still don't quite understand why different type of frames (assume all >without glass) will give different level of curve on the film. In my >immagination, the frames (either cardboard, plastic ...)are solid >piece of material and not easily deformed when heated by the projector.
(rest deleted)
The film is attached to the paper slide mounts, but floats in the plastic mounts. I prefer plastic mounts for their sharp edges and
square corners (and because I can center or rotate slides in the
mounts to make framing corrections), but they do appear to hold
slide film less flat than the cardboard mounts do. The film in
cardboard mounts curves some, but the film in plastic mounts
curves more - so I would choose the CF 90mm Leitz for
your plastic mounted slides.
Hope this helps.