On Fri, 18 Dec 1998 14:04:33 -0500, "David A. Drupa"
>What is the reason for overclocking? Is it simply to squeeze more power
>out of the processor?
Normally, for a speed increase of 10-20% I would say forget it,
unless the chip is so reliable that the modest speed increase is
worth the small risk. BUT - the Celeron 300A exists, costs about
$100, and can be reliably overclocked to 450MHz!!! THIS is worth
doing! (I am writing this on such a computer...;-) It checks out
fully the equal of a Pentium II 450 in performance, for a small fraction
of the price for the chip. An Abit BH6 MB, and PC-100 RAM
does it (you need only change the bus speed from 66 to 100 MHz in
the BIOS). Use a good heat-sink/fan on the chip (I used
power-transistor thermal grease between the sink and the chip
top to insure good heat transfer, and the interior of my computer
case remains 91 degrees F with two large SCSI drives enclosed,
since I use three extra case fans to control heating.