In article <4t2q0o$>, says...
>I need a *rectilinear* (not fisheye) 14mm lens. The only one I'm aware of
>is the Sigma. Are there others?
>The main use for this will be viewing only; I'll be putting it on a
>viewfinder to subsitute for a 14mm Zeiss/Arriflex lens used in motion
>picture photography. Obviously, manual focus is fine.
>Anyone with a 14mm Sigma or other to sell, or any comments, please e-mail
>me or post here. Likewise any dealers offering the Sigma at a competitive

(BTW, this, and the original post, should probably be posted elsewhere.)
What format film? 16mm or 35mm? If 16mm, a 14mm lens is very close to the
angle of view of a 50mm lens on a 35mm camera, not a 14mm..... (which
makes the purchase a lot smaller in price and size ;-).
Hope This Helps