In article <4g50un$>, says...

>I recntly purchased a N90 along with a 60 Micro lens and a 70-210 "D"
>lens. These work great and I am happy with the system. A friend gave
>me an old pre-AI Nikkor 28mm (with coupling prong). I have found 2
>problem with the old lens. I had to remove the coupling prong to
>utilize the smaller f-stops. I have also had difficulty metering
>through the camara with this older lens. I can only meter when the
>f-stop is wide open. I thought I could meter correctly by using the
>DOF button, but I lose the metering image when I do. Am I missing
>something? Is there a way to meter correctly at smaller f-stops with
>this lens or do I need to purchase a hand help meter to use with it?
>Thanks in advance for any help.

DO NOT USE THAT LENS ON AN AI BODY, unless it has been AI modified!
If it has not damaged the AI coupling tab on the body yet, you are
lucky! This is about the only major compatibility problem in the
Nikon line, and it can be solved by sending the lens for modification
(cutting a slot at the rear of the aperture ring) to:
- John White 313-662-1734
- Pete Smith 407-433-8434
They do the job for a reasonable sum (about $25, plus shipping).
You do not need to remove the chrome clip at the f5.6 position on
the aperture ring for proper operation. After the lens is modified, it will meter normally in "M" and "A" modes, but not in "S" and "P"
modes. Check the body to see if the small rectangular plastic tab that sticks out slightly from near the top edge of the chrome bayonet mount is still there. If it is broken off, using the DOF button during metering will be necessary with all lenses. (If changing the aperture ring position while metering in manual mode [without pressing the DOF
button] using one of your newer lenses results in a need for changing the shutter speed to maintain correct exposure, the camera is O.K.)
Hope This Helps