In article <47ugu7$>, says...
>Fraud--detecting & avoiding it on the net.
>This is a longish post, discussing net-fraud and how to avoid being a
>victim of fraud. I post it in the hope that my research in the area of
>deception will help net-citizenry avoid swindlers.
(long post intended to be helpful [Thanks!] deleted)
Alas, I have been taken four times by people in Shutterbug ads (twice
for very noticeable amounts [fraud intended], and twice for small
amounts [fraud not intended, but the sellers were just a tad dishonest]). The sellers in all cases did not follow the model given
in the post, and I did follow the model for the buyer in the post.
In other words, it is very difficult to avoid being taken by someone
who is intent on taking you, or who as a matter of course is not
honest. I find virtually all people I have dealt with are honest - with
the exception of equipment condition ratings (a few people under rate,
some people rate correctly, more than half over rate a bit, a few over rate condition a lot [some honestly!]). I have been satisfied with
maybe 95% of the transactions I have made through Shutterbug ads and
the net (most people refund without problems if I am not satisfied with the equipment purchased).
Hope this helps.