In article <4aqev0$>, says...
>For the past few months I've been using Ektachrome slide film
>for a camera class I was taking. I am aware of the effects that indoor
>tungsten lighting has on the film. I now need to take some shots of >the kids for the holidays and need to know if indoor tungsten light >will have the same effect on print film as slide film. Will it give the >same orange cast to everything? (..)

No, don't worry. You may want to tell the printer the film was taken
under tungsten light. BTW, if you are doing well with slide film
indoors, you are doing VERY WELL! (It is a difficult and demanding
thing to do well - still gives some of us "pro's" fits, what with
the rapidly changing light intensity, color, light color mixing,
high contrast, et. al. - whew!)
Hope this helps.