
>It simply amazes me the information you keep handy. Are you sure your a
>person and not a computer? ;)

No, not s u r e . . . . ;-) Sometimes I think I am, especially after
one-finger typing the 20th repeat of an answer to a question that has
been asked about 30 times since I began spending 4-6 hours a day doing
this, but the slow typing rate does allow time for planning out these
absurd run-on convoluted sentences (some with multiple sets of
parentheses [even nested ones {that can go on and on |before coming
up for air |}]), and I often remember almost everything
I ever knew about whatever I am writing about, which was, what...?!?! ;-)
(Bad writing can be lotsa fun! ;-)

> Thanks for the info. I'm going to get the lens. I think it will
>serve my purpose well, as I'm not a money making pro, but take my
>amatuer photography serious.
> copeland@gte.net

You're welcome, and have fun with it!
David Ruether