On Wed, 20 Nov 2002 05:47:59 GMT, "MikeWhy" wrote:

>"Morten Marquard" wrote in message
>> If you don't place any transition etc NOTHING is going to be changed from
>> original stuff from camcorder. Only transitions are re-encoded using the
>> MSFT codec.

>Makes you wonder about that Canopus capture comparison. (Capture, write to
>DV, re-capture, ... twenty times. Shows a difference in their competitor's,
>but theirs is pristine.)

If there were no forced rendering, neither codec would
show changes in multi-generation copying, since the codecs
would not be used. In the 10-generation Raptor sample, at
www.David-Ruether-Photography.com/original_vs_10th-gen.htm, the codec
was used since a render was forced at every generation - and
at the 10th you can see very slight changes in the image
(worse codecs show considerable color smearing and
brightness and color-balance changes long before the 10th