On Tue, 22 Dec 1998 14:16:24 -0800, "Reliant"
>Well I'm thinking about buying a Adaptec SCSI card 2940U2W supporting a
>HD and MotoDV using Permire 5.0. All for my Aptura MiniDV camera. I'm
>selling my
>Wife and House. If anyone has any advice about this combination please,
>save my life.
1) you can buy my Adaptec 2940UW and two IBM 9-gig SCSI-II drives,
for a mere $1200 total..., or...,
2) skip the SCSI's, and get big, cheap UDMA drives, which work well
for mini-DV..., or...,
3) trade the house (don' need th' wife, but thanks...;-) for my
2940UW and SCSI's...;-)
BTW, I would either upgrade to P-5.1, or step back to the faster