On Sun, 13 Sep 1998 07:27:13 GMT, dobiesj@ix.netcom.com (Jeff P. Dobies) wrote:
>Can anyone recommend a good microphone for use with the Sony TRV900 DV
>camcorder? I'm looking for a good all purpose micrphone that can be
>used in the outdoors as well as perform well indoors. The microphone
>must be good a picking up vocal sounds as well as some background
>sound. My price range is in the $100 - $200 area.
For stereo, the Canon ZM-100 is excellent (I add air-conditioner
filter over the supplied windscreen, which makes it good for most
outdoor work. (Unfortunately, a small battery box needs to be made
to supply power to it.) For a mono short shot-gun, the Stenheiser
MKE-300 works well, even in moderate wind. Both are under $200.
The little Sony ECM-Z157 is surprisingly good-sounding (like the
Stenheiser when set properly, but with more bass and more wind
problems - and even better rearward sound rejection). I had heard
that the TRV-900 mic is unusual for a built-in in that it doesn't
pick up the usual mini-DV "whine". Is this not true? In what ways
is the TRV-900 mic not adequate?