In article <5cqkgp$>, says...

>I have been using my Nikon FE for more than ten years. Recently I wonder
>if the exposure meter in the camera is still reasonably accurate. I think
>the best way is to take it to the authorized dealer to do a calibration.
>But my question is that if there is any quick and cheap way to do a rough
>check. Any suggestion will be welcome. Thank you very much.

Make sure the battery tests OK...
Shoot a roll of 100-speed slide film under different conditions. For each
photograph, take 3 frames - one at the indicated exposure, and one each
1/3 over and 1/3rd under exposed. See where most of the slides look right.
If most look good right on, don't worry. If most look good 1/3rd over
(or 1/3rd under), make that same compensation (with the ASA setting, or
with the compensation dial) for future shooting, and don't worry. If the
high light-level slides look best compensated one way, and the low
light-level slides another, the meter is non-linear, and needs adjustment.
If all slides are too light or too dark (in a consistent way), shoot
another roll, compensating in 1/3rd stops again, but starting at 2/3rds
stop away from normal (in the appropriate direction). If this produces consistent results, apply the appropriate compensation to the ASA or compensation dial, and don't worry...;-)
Hope This Helps