On Thu, 08 Feb 2001 19:21:16 GMT, "Tess"
>What is up with this strangle-hold that Adobe Premiere has on the video
>market?? It seems like every single product in the way of capture cards
>comes bundled with Premiere. I use Media Studio Pro and find that, at least
>for me, it is 10 times easier to use and more intuitive than Adobe Premiere.
>I'd like to upgrade my equipment to "real-time" such as the DVStorm or
>RT2000 but it seems they're not compatible with Media Studio Pro. Are these
>companies working to include support for MSP or is MSP losing ground in the
>video editing market? I hate to see it slip because I absolutely LOVE the
>program. I'm trying to get accustomed to Premiere just in case, but I HATE
>it! It's not the least bit intuitive and I don't care for the interface at
>all. What's going on with MSP and will it be able to hold its own against
>Premiere or should I dive whole-heartedly into learning Premiere (yuck)?
Hmmm.... Much as I dislike Adobe (not all logical,
but...;-), and much as I like Ulead and their efforts,
I never saw MSPro as very intuitive (mebbe 'cuz I
started with Premiere...?;-). I also think the
current Premiere interface (as it opens for the first
time) is not very intuitive - but, it can be changed!
I get rid of the dual preview window and use a single
full-res. window (for preview only), and I make all my
editing decisions on the timeline (film-strip view,
largest icons). This takes dual monitors (or one 21"
or so...) to be practical (so, why did Adobe make the
preview window duck under everything else???;-),
but operating the program is then almost as intuitive
as handling "real film"...