In article <4644tg$>, says...
>It seems that I have lost my talent for shooting and printing
>black and white negs. I was just wondering if anyone had
>some words of advice. I know I'm underexposing, but I just
>can't seem to compensate enough in my processing.
>I've been stuck in some low light situations and can't seem
>to get the exposure and processing to fit right...

You didn't say what materials you are using, but I would guess
T-Max 400, heh, heh. If so, try Tri-X at 400 in D-76 or Tri-X
at 800 in Acufine - and don't cheat on the metering. This should
solve your problem unless there is something wrong with your meter
or shutter speeds. Other possibilities: lenses used wide-open are usually slower than rating; if the low light is tungsten, meters
usually meter the orange color of the light incorrectly - you may
need to use 1/2 to 2/3 stop lower film speed rating under these conditions.
Hope this helps.