In article <>, says...
[deleted, for space reasons....]

I agree with you on the 35-200mm. I would keep the excellent F3
(inaccurate rangefinder camera framing will drive you nuts after
an F3, the finders are off-color to provide contrast for the
rangefinder patch [Leica], and there is no zoom for them), get rid
of the 35-200mm, maybe switch the 28-85 for a 28-70 Nikkor (lighter
and smaller), or the AF D 35-105mm, leave the 50mm f1.2 at home for
available-light work, and get the excellent Nikkor 20mm f2.8. It all would fit in a small bag, and be excellent equipment. An FA/FE-2/FM-2
body is a good smaller-body Nikon alternative to the F3, but you will
notice a difference in VF quality (it is hard to beat an F3 there!).
Hope This Helps