On 22 Oct 1998 00:41:16 GMT, heyyyjude@aol.com (HeyyyJude) wrote:

>In the long running NIKON vs CANON battle, I made the move to Nikon for two
>reasons 1) everyone who has an F3 LOVES it 2) it was apperture priority. I've
>been using a Fujica AX-3 so I am totally lost in the world of Nikon and all
>it's designations. I don't even have the body yet (it's on its way)...but can
>someone give me a quick tutorial on what lenses can be used? I see AI, AI-S, D
>series, E series...I'm SOOOO confused.
>I tried using the Nikon FAQ of Bo-Ming Tong, but it really reads like you need
>SOME Nikon exoerience...and I have none. Any help is appreciated.

With the F3, it is simple: ALL Nikkor SLR lenses ever made
will fit and work on the F3...
Only caveat:
Check the rearward facing edge of the lens aperture ring - if
it is smooth all around, without two raised ridges (non-AI),
you need to raise the small metal tab on the body bayonette
before mounting the lens, and push the DOF preview button
while metering...
BTW, AI, AIS, S, P, E, AF, AF-D lenses are all AI, and will
fit directly on the F3 - and, except for its flash capabilities,
I think the F3 is THE BEST body...
Also, you may find my Nikkor evaluation list (on my web page,
under "I babble") interesting - Nikon made a LOT of lenses!