>Could you please take the time to answer the following question?
>I have a Nikkor 400 mm f5.6 and a 200 mm f4 (both manual focus AIS). I am
>these lenses on a FE2 and on a F4. When used on the F4, both lenses
>consistently underexpose - the 400 mm is underexposing by 1 and 1/3 stops
>and the 200 mm is underexposed by half a stop. The FE2 exposes perfectly
>with these lenses. Believe me when I say that everything else is equal
>(tests have been done that ensure center-weighted
>metering, equally lighted subject, etc.). I had the same problem with a
>801S camera body.
>One person has indicated that the F4 and 801S likely are assuming that the
>maximum f
>stop of the manaual lenses is f3.5 and will therefore underexpose anything
>manual lens with a f stop greater than 3.5 (I do not use autofocus lenses).
>Does this make any sense?
"Darcy Monchak"
AI hook-up allows lenses as slow as f5.6 to be coupled (though lenses
are sometimes slower than rated [the 15mm f5.6 and 100-300mm f5.6 are
examples]). I don't know what would cause the above (I've used both lenses
on 8008 bodies successfully). If the rings were sticking and not going
beyond, say, f3.3, that should result in overexposure, not under. If the
lenses are AI-converted (especially if machined to convert), it could
be that the AI ridge is in the wrong place (but it would either be
wider than f5.6/4, resulting in overexposure, or it would default to
the f5.6 max [which could account for the 200mm problem, but not the
400...]). So, I don't know - I don't see how it could happen...