On 5 Oct 1998 17:12:20 GMT, arrfilms@aol.com (ArrFilms) wrote:

>Does anyone know of a .3x to .4x fish eye front lens adapter with a rear thread
>size 50mm or larger. Thanks!

I think Adorama offeres a .42X for about $50...
(You want one that takes a Series-VII adapter - then
get a XXmm-to-Series-VII stepping ring [You may need
to get creative with step-down rings to go from a big
lens front-thread size to Series-VII {which is about
52mm...} for your purposes]).
BTW, I've tried at least 5 optically-different .42X's,
and they performed differently on particular lenses,
but the differences were mostly in field curvature
(which may not affect your use...).