On Wed, 03 Jan 2001 17:32:21 GMT, "Ed" wrote:

>I have a Nikon CP800 digicam with a 28 mm lens mount. There are several
>28-37mm adaptors available to mount 37mm 2x tele lenses from Tiffen, Kenko,
>etc. on the CP800.
>I have ordered a JVC GR-DVL300U digital camcorder. JVC sells a 37mm 2x tele
>lens for use with this model.
>So, are digital camera teleconverter lenses and digital video lenses
>interchangeable for optics performance? Can I buy a 37mm 2x tele lens from
>Tiffen, along with the needed adaptors, and use the same lens for both my
>digital camera and my digital camcorder? Seems like a nice inexpensive
>solution to boost my performance in both media.

In general, lens converters made for still cameras would
be higher-quality than ones made for the lower-resolution,
less demanding video camcorders. You would almost
certainly see better results using the Nikon 2X/3X made
for the still cameras than using generic converters made
for video. Even with video, matching of specific models
of lens converters to specific models of camcorder
lenses is desireable for best results.