>> >is with Techpan. With the Gold 100 I also shot the film becomes a limiting
>> >factor and the differences between 1.4 and 5.6 are not casually noticeable.
>> ---Actually, the film will narrow the differences as you go toward faster
>> ---film, but they will still be there - the film can't "limit" resolution,
>> ---only relatively reduce it (that's not exactly correct, but the idea is).

>I agree with this in principal, yet the results I've gotten now and in the
>past suggest otherwise. The film will "narrow" differences, but at a
>certain point aren't the differences so narrow as to be almost

No - I freely mix film speeds when lens checking (as long as they are all
B&W for me), and feel that Tri-X at 800 in Acufine or Rodinol gives me
about as much information as TMX at 40 in D-76. The negatives will not
look so nice, or sharp, but the relative differences are still there, just compressed a bit with the fast film in a less-than-ideal developer compared
with the slow film optimally processed. Soft edges, corners, and wide
apertures, and misalignments will still be quite evident on all films.
The only quirk that I have discovered related to film choice is that a couple
of Nikkor wides look much better in the corners on color film than they do in B&W - strange!