On Sun, 25 Aug 2002 17:44:45 GMT, "Frank Wiewandt"
>> I use a Cartoni MiniDV & like it alot, especially since it was well
>> under $1K.
>Actually this is a Cartoni ActionPro MiniDV.
>Frank Wiewandt
I think this is the one I tried (around $750?) and
hated - it showed all the problems of cheap video
tripods: the legs "wound up" with a pan, resulting
in a slight reverse pan upon stopping; stop/starts/
pans/tilts were not smooth. I stayed with an old beater
mid-line Cartoni that works well only in one-each
of the available pan and tilt resistance settings, but
it has the desired "liquid" smooth action in the ones
that are still good - it is possible to accelerate
into a movement with only a light touch, keep it going
at a uniform rate, and decelerate smoothly to a stop,
without backlash. BTW, the stabilizer of the
PD150/VX2000 can be left engaged if you leave/approach
the stationary condition gradually. A sometimes
acceptable alternative for me has been the Bogen
3221 legs with the 3063 head - but this is a FAR
lesser combination...