On 27 Jun 2001 13:46:57 -0700, Paul Rubin
>d_ruether@hotmail.com (Neuman - Ruether) writes:
>> >Do you need a huge heavy tripod and fluid head to get good
>> >image quality at 15 to 20X zoom magnification?
>> Yes, darn it! ;-)
>Btw, do I need a fluid head if I'm not trying to pan the camera?
No. You don't even need a very good tripod, if there is
no wind...
>Right now I'm just using the Bogen 3-d head that I use with still
>cameras. It's inconvenient for video but solid enough. I might buy a
>video head soon.
Hard to know what to recommend at the low end but the
Bogen 3063 - but its action is so stiff it needs a
good tripod to use it effectively (otherwise you will
see the effects of the tripod legs unwinding after a pan,
and the tripod leaving the ground with a tilt...;-)
The good stuff is ***V E R Y*** expensive!!!