In article <>, says...
>BTW, my last post on this subject at this time.
GOOD!!! I find your responses unnecessarily argumentative.
In the end, I don't care who is "right" or "wrong" - the exchange
is potentially informative, and (potentially) we can all learn
something..., but you choose to be defensive, and to try to
prove that your experience (and solutions) are better than mine
(they may very well be, but your discussion approach clouds the
point of these posts, which is to inform/learn/explore, not prove
who is better...). Lighten up, already, and recognize that others
may have approaches that work very well, also, and may conceptualize
the process differently from you. I think one of the important
functions of these newsgroups is to dispel the rampant myths that
exist in photography (it's not as religion-soaked as audio, though,
thank god! ;-), and another is to present/explore different concepts
of how photography/image-making/seeing work....
Hope This Helps
(may be no f.d.w.p - 2, 3 -- at least one was lost)