>Thanxs for the reply.. I read a lot of your posts in the newsgroups and
>come to respect your opinion. I'm just curious though.... you said you
>used a Nikkor 122mm filter (not sure about the 39mm -- was that Nikkor
>too?), does the fact that yours is a Nikkor and i have Tiffens make a
>difference? BTW, i havent done any conclusive evidence to suggest image
>degredation with my Tiffen filters, but i would assume a higher quality
>filter like the Nikkor would be better suited. Any experiences with
>these other filters..
> Donald Marsh
I personally don't like Tiffens, but I use them and find no sharpness problems with those, or any other main-line brands. I like Hoya for
the good rim design and prices... Flat optical glass doesn't seem
hard to achieve, and only cheapo no-name filters seem to be bad -
the rest are hard to tell apart on film (short of vignetting caused by
deep rims, or low contrast caused by fogging [my Tiffen peeves...;-]).