Jane Seto wrote in message <01bd1e53$60b2eea0$a53167d1@stuff>...

>Is there a difference in quality between the various makers of filters? If
>so which ones are considered to be the best.

There is much "theory" out there on this, helped along by advertising,
but the truth is that for non-critical uses, virtually any filter brand
will be OK. For fairly critical use, most any "name brand" filter will do
(uncoated, single-coated, or multi-coated...). For those of us who are nuts
about image quality, a good-quality single-coated filter with a good, thin
metal rim will do (Hoya is a good name here... [I am less fond of Tiffen
and Vivitar filters]). For those who will shoot straight into the sun
with a long tele lens used at a wide stop... (!;-}), perhaps an
expensive brand of multicoated filter may be desireable...
(though, even here, Hoya is really sufficient...;-).
David Ruether