In article <4b5pcjINNnhd@meteorology.ho.BoM.GOV.AU>, says...
>I know colour print film has a larger degree of latitude than slide >film but is there any documentation of exactly how much for each >particular type of film? I'm interested in Fuji Velvia, Sensia and >Reala.
With color negative materials, "latitude" can often be thought of as "how much shadow information do I want", and, depending on the answer
(and the color crossovers that may occur with some films), the film
can be used at speeds ranging from slightly above rating to several
stops below rating. When it comes to slides, there is no "latitude" -
what you shoot is what you get - and the "latitude" may be thought of
as "how much (obvious) error in density will I tolerate". For me, that is +/- 1/4 stop at the outside - any more than that and it looks wrong. With color negative materials, I normally rate them anywhere from 1/3
to 1 stop lower than the manufacturer for slightly improved shadow detail and grain.
Hope this helps.