On Mon, 15 Jul 2002 17:49:02 +0200, "Jonathan Gift"
>Possible to use the default XL1 mic on a boom? If so, what sort of
(So, regardless of whatever people on these NGs say,
from direct experience, you are still going to believe
the Canon ads and go for the XL-1, huh...? Good luck! ;-)
In answer to this post (though you may not listen to
this answer, either...;-), get a shielded stereo
extension cord of the appropriate length, with male RCA
connectors on one end, and the appropriate female
connector(s) on the other end for the mic (can't
remember if it has two RCAs or one stereo mini-plug
connector [more likely the latter]). Runs of under 15
meters should not cause noise problems. If you want to
get fancy (but with greater possibility for noise), get
a stereo wireless set so the mic is not hard-wired to the