In article <>, says...

>I am looking into entering the Nikon system and could use advice. I
>don't want to get any doggy camera body. My needs are: Complete
>compatibility with manual focus lens, TTL metering and solid
>dependability. A power winder would be nice. Someone has told me about
>the N2000? Any advice? Would I be better off with an older F2?

From your list of requirements, the N2000 sounds ideal, and they are
inexpensive. Try to find one (used only, long discontinued) with not
much use (look across the pressure plate in good light - if there are
no traces of parallel very fine [almost invisible] lines, the camera
has not been used much [maybe 50 rolls through will begin to show
faint wear lines]). Most Nikon bodies are good ('cept the bottom-end
plastic AF bodies...).
Hope This Helps