In article <55449k$>, says...

>I'm not at all convinced that there is a __marked__ difference among lines
>of current generation enlarging lenses from the big three (Nikon,
>Rodenstock, and Schneider, in alphabetical order). Between generations
>within a line, yes (e.g., Schneider Componon vs Componon-S). But not
>among those that you can buy new, today. I just bought a new enlarging
>lens, and I bought on price, because I really couldn't find any evidence
>of a practical significant difference among the current comparable

I would agree, since most recent top enlarging lenses are excellent,
and at the apertures and magnifications normally used in printing,
are hard to tell apart. Unusual lenses, or lenses used in unusual
ways, may show differences in performance, but in general, I think
what you said is true.
Hope This Helps