On Wed, 09 Dec 1998 15:41:17 -0500, Gilles Levesque
>I'm looking to get a softer image from my camera. I've heard that the
>Sto-Fen omni bounce diffusers work well, but I don't think that these
>fit my F70 / SB27 combo! Does anybody know of a descent diffuser that
>will accomidate this setup?
Oh, I will try not to rant and rave on this...! ;-)
Suffice it to say that unless you can significantly
increase the relative light source size (by increasing
its actual size, by decreasing the distance to the subject,
or by adding nearby reflective surfaces), no softening
will occur. "Diffusion" add-ons are generally hooey...!).
If you want to enlarge the source size a little, see
what you can cobble together using a sheet of typing
paper, scissors, and tape...