In article <5epoi1$>, says...
>Question from a Nikon novice:
>On my FE2, the area _outside_ the focusing area is noticeably
>dim and grainy, especially with longish lenses, although it's still
>quite possible to see the subject through it, and results on film
>are sharp. Is this normal, or does it mean that the screen
>or viewfinder is defective? (It's not too late to return the camera.)
>Apologies if this is a dumb question. I plan to use the camera
>heavily and want to make sure this isn't something to be concerned about.
(I assume that you are viewing with the lens aperture wide open...)
Look into the front of the lens, with an aperture selected that is
smaller than wide-open - if you see the diaphragm blades, something
is wrong with the camera or lens (unless you are holding in the DOF
preview lever). If your tele is "slow" (small maximum aperture), the
finder will be dim, but that is rarely a problem (as you appear to
have realized). Attempts to brighten the viewing image generally
result in lower viewing contrast, making accurate focusing more
difficult. BTW, I prefer the matte-centered "B" and "E" screens
for the FM/FE/FA series cameras, and find the focus ease with these
cameras and screens the best of any I have tried (in the screen center).
Hope This Helps