On Tue, 23 Feb 1999 07:51:53 +0000, Dean Tran wrote:

>Can you adjust the color on the TRV900 as well without using WB or filter
>to reduce blueish tone to nil. My TRV900 has blueish tint that I can see, some
>recommend to adjust white balance with white paper with some blueish tone,
>but I want to cure this problem so that I can use AE mode.

(I agree with what "Websin3D" wrote...)
Unfortunately, there is no way other than manual WB,
or use of the presets combined with a warming filter to
"cure the TRV-900 blues"... (other than possibly service).
Since the camera balances white somewhat blue, if you
make the "white" it balances from more blue, it will move
the balance away from blue (manual white balance only,
which has the disadvantage of remaining locked until
you change it, even if the light color changes). Since
you need the off-"white" only momentarily, a screw-in
light blue filter is not very useful (Nikon makes a
52mm "cooling" filter...), and you can use an optically
poor color printing filter (Ilford offers an inexpensive
set) held over the lens front (or a bluish sheet of
paper held out in front of the lens) while manually
white-balancing. BTW, you can work it the other way
and use the daylight or tungsten presets and leave a
"warming" filter on the lens... (this won't take care
of flourescents or mixed-color illumination, though...).