Hello David, thanks for your reply.
Readign your reply and the other replies on the Usenet I havent
undersood it
yet - In your pages you write there is a quiality loss. The question is
I would assume that when working with a specific codec, premiere can
the file without the need to de-compress it, or problems in re-
compressing it.
For footage where there is no change, it is not rendered or changed;
only footage that has been changed is rendered, and the quality of
that rendering depends on the quality of the codec used...
Also, changing brightness back to 0 from -1, for example, should tell
to grab information from the original caputred file, like when I cancel
a more
noticable filter, like invert (premiere does not "invert it back", I
No - Premiere takes the changes in place at the time of rendering only,
not cancelled changes. And, only previous changes that have been
exported as files, and reimported as files have multiple generations of
rendering applied... All changes in place at the time of rendering are
rendered at once, and can be any number without adding additional
As it seems my friend was right, but I have to know is it really due
to "compressing a compressed file" and do I need to worry about these
when I'm editing?
Rendering involves decompressing, changing (everything), and
Thanks again,
If you make a change, then render, the DV info is
rendered into a new file; if you make a change in
that part again, the rendered files "evaporate" (as
indicated on the timeline) and will not play with
any changes shown until rerendered (unless you have
an RT card - but for DV output, most of these still
require rendering...) and a new rendering is made
"from scratch"; if you export the rendered file as
an AVI and then reimport it and make changes, you
will cause a second generation of rendering. The
quality of the rendered image is dependent on the
quality of the DV codec used, and can show noticeable
changes with as little as one generation with a poor
codec, or very little change even with ten generations
(for an example of 10-generations of forced rendering
with a good codec [Canopus], see