On Sat, 5 Feb 2000 21:20:20 -0800 (PST), ajs147@webtv.net (Aj Norris) wrote:

>Help. I don't mean to drive this room crazy, but I was wondering, in all
>your humble opinions, what is the better all-around camera, the Sony TRV
>900 or the Canon GL-1?

There is no easy answer, though I came to a conclusion
based on my try-outs, and added one of them to my several
other mini-DV camcorders... Both have pluses and minuses,
so choose based on which of these are most important to you.
"In-hand" trials, with viewing on [multiple] good monitors
will tell you more than any review which camera is better
for you, but you can find reviews of both of these (plus
others) in a camcorder comparison article on my web page,
under the "I babble" index... (included are frame-grabs,
comments on the motion-video characteristics, and comments
on the audio noise level and type, and the overall built-in
mic coloration).