On Mon, 05 Apr 1999 22:10:29 -0700, in rec.video.desktop you wrote:

>I have a PII MMX 233 with 4GB hard drive and 32MB RAM (I know I need to
>up grade to at least 64). I have a XL-1. What capture card, software,
>computer upgrades would you guys do to get your dream system in three
>price ranges: high, medium and low. $15,000 and less, $8,000 and less
>and under $4,000. What's the best should I try to upgrade my existing
>system or buy one "out of the box"? My target market is industrials
>straight to tape. Help. Thanks.
>P.S. Please post to the group it helps the new people.

In answer to your question, try for 128megs RAM, two IBM
16.8 or Maxtor 17 gig UDMA drives, and Canopus Raptor.
It may be worth looking into replacing the P-II 233 with
a Celeron 400 or 433. The total should run under about