On 03 Jun 2002 02:45:20 GMT, collawenf@aol.com (ColLawEnf) wrote:

>I'm looking to buy something for college and the Sony VX 2000 seems to call to
>me the most so far.
>Is it a worthy investment?

Yes. It is an excellent camera. See:
for more on it compared with others.

>Has anyone bought from Broadway Photo?

Avoid all but the best sellers, like bhphotovideo,
cameraworld, adorama, profeel, and a VERY few others...
Low prices are the giveaway that you WILL "pay though
the nose" for extras you will not be able to buy the
camera without - better to pay the same at a better
dealer, one that will stand behind the product if you
have problems in the first week (check out new gear
thoroughly IMMEDIATELY - do NOT assume "new" means