In article <4mcm5b$>, says...

>Is anybody using a Beattie Intenscreen if a Nikon F body. My original
>type 'A' screen is pretty beat up and I was considering buying the
>Beattie to replace it, but I wanted to get some feeback on how good
>they are, given the exorbitant price. Thanks.

If you use wide-angle lenses, the corner darkening may bug you. An
excellent brighter alternative is an F4 screen, if you are handy with a
jeweler's screwdriver (a metric set can be had cheaply at Radio Shack),
and are careful to not touch the bottom surface of the screen. You can
exchange the "glass" between the two frames easily. Remember to recalibrate the TTL meter, since the brighter screen will change the
exposure metered off the screen by the camera. If the meter is now correct, read a constant, plain subject with the old screen, and note the ASA, aperture, and shutter speed used. When the new screen is installed, set the camera controls the same way, but reset the ASA to
center the meter. Note the change in ASA, and always apply the same amount of change to film speeds when using the new screen. For a
more convenient way to do it, reset all controls to old-screen
positions, loosen the three screws at the top of the meter-shutter
speed dial, turn it (moves freely) slightly to center the meter
when using the new screen, and tighten the screws (this also works
with the F2).
Hope This Helps