On Sat, 26 May 2001 13:44:06 -0400, Duality
>You should try TitleDeko for rolls - which should have been included
>with P6.
>I didn't see any provision to hold a roll, but of course if you don't
>enter linefeeds at the bottom it will stay on screen until you fade
>What I did last was to create a second static title with the last line
>of text and faded that in as the rest of the rolls was going
>off-screen. Then faded it out a few seconds later. Nice effect.
>TD also allows you to add a small black outline to the letters which
>is VERY important for readability if your output is TV.
You can do this (indirectly...) in Premiere, also:
include a hard shadow at "2,2", select the title
and "copy, paste" and set the shadow at "-2,-2".
If you need more outline, do this twice more for
"-2,2" and "2,-2"...