"Titus" wrote:

>>What's better enlarging or using x2 or x4 teleconverter?
>>Let's say one wants to take the picture of the moon.
>>With a 300, 400, or even 500 the moon is too small.
>>How to get best picture, by enlarging the small moon on prints, or using one
>>or two x2 TCs?

Probably the best quality (assuming top-grade gear and optimum
apertures...) for getting the biggest best-quality moon in a print
with a too-short lens is to use a combination of a 2X plus some
extra print enlargement...

>>A TC may reduces about by half the sharpness of a lens, right?.

"May" is right, but not "necessarily"... On-film image sharpness
is not directly proportional to resolution of the film or of the
lens, so a lens resolution cut by half can still result in a good
on-film image.