On Wed, 24 Jul 2002 15:45:31 +1000, "HeadRush"
>Just wondering, is back-focus a critical issue with autofocus cameras?? My
>Sony PD-100 appears to have a severe back-focus problem. It became more
>evident after Sony replaced the front lens element that became contaminated
>by fungus.
>A tech told me that autofocus camcorders wouldn't need to have the
>back-focus set because the autofocus circuitry compensates. But I use my
>PD-100 with manual focus at times and find the back-focus problem renders
>any zoom shots useless, especially with wide iris settings.
>Do any other PD-100 owners have this same problem, or is it a fact of life
>with autofocus camcorders??
With proper adjustment, most AF camcorders are
useable in MF mode while zooming (but not all - and
with Sonys there is often a slight focus shift near
the long end of the zoom range). Even with AF, the
AF may not be fast enough to correct the focus of a
badly out of adjustment lens (or even one moderately
out, with a fast zoom - I have one of these...).
It sounds like the repair work was not completed on
your camera...