
>I agree with you very much that wide angle lenses are a necessity for nice
>Until this month I used a Nizo 6080 super 8 sound camera but since the
>Kodak soundfilms are out of production here I start with digital video, so
>I really come from the stone age. I probably will buy a video projector
>(beamer) too.
>I still have some questions
>1.What do you mean with "pancake" sony. Which type? I know they offer a
>one-touch, whatever it may mean.

It is a thin, wide .6X that fits up to 55mm diameter threads - the only one
Sony has with these specs, I think...

>2.You say that it sometimes is necessary to add empty filter rings for
>better sharpness and wider views. Is this also the case with Sony wide
>angle lenses? Are the foreign lenses better?

This is universal - for best performance, be ready to experiment with
spacing from lens mount.

>3. What means 'shaving parts?'

Reducing thickness of parts so converter fits closer to the camcorder lens.

>3. Widest coverage? Is it really the case that the angle is getting wider
>when using empty rings??

Yes., at least with the .6X.

>4. Is zooming through wide angle never possible? (with my super 8 camera it

With all but the .6X and fisheyes mentioned, zoom-through is fine.

>5. Do you know what .5 and .6 is in Photo 35mm terms? Does it mean f.e.
>45mm x .5 = 22,5 mm?
"Interpolis Re"

The ratio is approximate, optimistic, and times-FL, so, kinda, yes...